Understanding Speech Therapy for Seniors


Speech therapy is a rehabilitation treatment that addresses problems with speaking and swallowing. For seniors with talking or swallowing difficulties, speech therapy helps them communicate effectively again through vocal exercises. Learn more about the benefits of speech therapy killed Nursing in Texasbelow. 

  • It enhances vocal cords.

    As we age, our vocal cords become less elastic, and larynx muscles are weakened. But speech therapy includes exercises that help seniors speak as normally as possible again! These exercises also help in improving swallowing problems and reducing the risk of choking.

  • It improves dementia symptoms.

    Similar to physical therapy in Texas, speech therapy has its goals. It aims to help patients, especially those seniors with dementia. Speech therapy helps preserve brain function associated with communication and addresses the cognitive aspects, including attention, problem-solving, and memory.

  • It aids in stroke recovery.

    Rehabilitation treatments, like speech therapy, are included in skilled nursing in Texas. So, if you have a senior loved one who has experienced a stroke and needs speech, physical, or occupational therapy, hiring home health care is the way to go! Home health care offers a well-rounded approach to healing and recovery!

Zaphiro Home Health offers home health care services in Houston, Texas. Our speech therapy is beneficial to individuals, typically stroke patients, with speech problems and difficulties swallowing foods. Learn more about our speech therapy and other services today! Get in touch with us for more information.

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